UDOT Begins Environmental Study for Kimball Junction Area
January 4, 2023
Public encouraged to submit comments now through January 27, 2023
The Utah Department of Transportation is conducting an environmental study in the Kimball Junction area and is seeking public input on the scope of the project. UDOT is asking for input on the proposed alternatives, purpose and need of the project, alternative screening criteria, potential impacts to the community and natural environment, and identification of significant issues or potential new alternatives. The public comment period is open now through Jan. 27, 2023.
“This study is focused on long term transportation solutions for all modes of travel in the Kimball Junction area while balancing the environmental objectives,” said Grant Farnsworth, UDOT Region 2 Project Manager for the EIS. “We look forward to continuing our partnership with the Summit County and Park City communities to better understand the transportation needs throughout the area.”
With the public comment period, UDOT will also host an in-person open house (Jan. 10) and a virtual meeting (Jan. 11) to review the current project details and answer any questions. Additional information on the upcoming meetings and the environmental study can be found on the project website. The public is encouraged to review the project documents, attend the public meetings, and submit comments here.

UDOT is preparing this study to evaluate improvements at the I-80 and SR-224 interchange at Kimball Junction, and on SR-224 from Kimball Junction through the Olympic Parkway intersection in Summit County. This study builds on and uses information from the Kimball Junction and SR-224 Area Plan. UDOT’s goal for the project is to develop a comprehensive, technically sound EIS which accomplishes the following:
- Builds on, and uses information from, the Kimball Junction and SR-224 Area Plan
- Addresses the transportation needs in the area
- Identifies and screens alternative solutions to meet those needs
- Minimizes and avoids environmental impacts where possible
- Engages the public and stakeholders through an open and transparent process
UDOT will further evaluate the alternatives proposed in the Area Plan, along with any new alternatives proposed during the study, and will take into consideration all public feedback. The proposed alternatives currently include:
- taking no action
- a split-diamond interchange and intersection improvements
- grade-separated intersections with one-way frontage roads to the I-80 interchange
- intersection improvements with pedestrian enhancements
- other reasonable alternatives that may be identified during the EIS process
Details on the proposed alternatives can be found on the project website.