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Structures & Geotechnical Guidance and Manuals

Structures & Geotechnical Guidance and Manuals

The following documents provide technical direction and describe the Structures Division goals, expectations, processes and procedures for performing structural and geotechnical work for the Department.

Bridge Management inspects, monitors, reports and effectively manages UDOT’s structure inventory using in service inspection data to measure the overall condition of each bridge and prioritize projects for the Bridge Programs.

Structures Design and Geotechnical Design provide structural and geotechnical engineering services, manage structure design and construction, and establish and maintain structural and geotechnical design criteria and standards to ensure a safe, economical and reliable transportation system.

Structures Design and Detailing Manual

Structures Division Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QC/QA) Procedures

The UDOT Structures QC/QA Procedures define the Structures Division’s expectations, processes, procedures and requirements for performing QC/QA of structural work. The procedures are a tool and cannot replace the sound judgment and experience of competent professionals. Implement the Structures QC/QA Procedures on all deliverables and according to the stages, activities and guidelines in the UDOT Structures Design and Detailing Manual (SDDM), the Geotechnical Manual of Instruction (GMOI), and the Project Delivery Network. Structures QC/QA Procedures consist of five independent roles:
  • Design
  • QC check
  • QA audit
  • Reviews
  • Acceptance
Structures QC/QA Procedures – February 2015


The Structures Division maintains structure records for bridges and miscellaneous structures. The Structures Division is responsible for assigning and tracking unique Structure numbers and managing initial in service bridge inspections.

Use the following to facilitate structure specific requests:

Structure Number or Drawing Number Request Form
  • Unique structure numbers are required for new bridges, replacement bridges, and state owned box culverts with a span as measured along the centerline of the roadway or an inside rise dimension of 10 feet or more.
  • Updated drawing numbers are required for the modification, preservation, or rehabilitation of existing bridge structures.

Initial In Service Inspection Request Form
  • All structures over 20 feet in length (either newly constructed or rehabilitated) require an in service bridge inspection.
  • An in service inspection is required before opening a structure to traffic. If Structures Division schedules allow, the in service inspection may be scheduled to occur concurrently with the Substantial Completion walk through.
  • Findings at the in service inspection may delay opening of the structure to traffic. To avoid delays, ensure requests for in service inspection are requested far enough in advance to provide adequate time to correct any found deficiencies.

Existing Structure Plans and Reports

Existing structure plans and reports are available to local owners, consultants and contractors, and members of the general public. Different methods to request structure plans and reports are provided below:
Link Description
Structure Plans and Reports Request

Local Owner or Active Design Contract
  • For local owners and for active (awarded) design contracts to request as built plans and in service bridge inspection reports for existing bridges.
  • If you are working on a bid or proposal, plans and reports must be requested through the UDOT contact for that project.
Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) Request

Include the structure number in your request. If you do not know the structure number, it can be found using the Structure Location Map provided below.
  • For members of the general public, not working on a bid/proposal, to request as built plans and in service bridge inspection reports for existing UDOT owned bridges.
  • For members of the general public, not working on a bid/proposal, looking for information on a locally owned structure, please make your request through the local owner, and ask them to contact the individual listed on the following page: Contact Information – For Information on Locally Owned Structures.

Forms and Templates


The following forms are tools to support the requirements as specified in the BMM, SDDM, GMOI, and PDN. In order to view and print the following forms correctly and ensure use of the latest form, download the appropriate form before each use. All forms are to be completed electronically rather than with hand-written text. Include the appropriate signatures on the forms before submitting.

Procedure Required Documentation
Quality Control (QC)
QC Check Independent Technical Analysis Cover Sheet (ITA-COV)

Updated October 17, 2022
QC cover sheets Calculation Cover Sheet (CAL-COV)

Updated October 17, 2022
Computer Program Input Cover Sheet (COM-COV)

Updated October 17, 2022
Drawing Cover Sheet (DWG-COV)

Updated April 12, 2023
Project Document Cover Sheet (DOC-COV)

Updated October 17, 2022
Quality Assurance (QA)
QA audit Project QA Audit (AUD-QA)

Updated October 17, 2022
Structural Review Structural Review Comment Resolution Form (STR-CRF) (28 KB)

Updated October 17, 2022
Structures design reviewer / Structures oversight reviewer Structural Review Completion – RFP Preparation and Review (Design Build) (RFP-REV)

Updated April 12, 2023
Structural Review Completion – Plan in Hand (Stage 3) Review (PIH-REV)

Updated April 12, 2023
Structural Review Completion – PS&E (Stage 4) Review (PSE-REV)

Updated April 12, 2023
Authorization / Approval / Acceptance
Structures Division Authorization / Approval / Acceptance Structural RFP Approval (Design Build) (RFP-APP)

Updated April 12, 2023
S&L Authorization (3S6) (S&L-ATH)

Updated April 12, 2023
Final Structural Acceptance (5S1) (PSE-ACC)

Updated April 12, 2023
Structural Design Criteria Deviation Approval (DEV-APP)

Updated April 12, 2023
Alternate QC/QA Procedures Authorization (ALT-ATH)

Updated April 12, 2023


The following templates are tools to support the requirements as specified in the BMM, SDDM, GMOI, and PDN.

Template Purpose
General Templates
Structures Division Memo

Updated June 25, 2020
Basic letterhead for Structures Division Memoranda
Project Templates
Structures Scope and Estimate Report

Updated June 25, 2020
Defines the project scope and develops a preliminary cost estimate.
Geotechnical Literature Review and Site Reconnaissance Report

Updated January 26, 2018
Summarizes existing geotechnical information and other related literature, and field reconnaissance findings.
Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Plan

Updated January 26, 2018
Defines plan for obtaining the necessary information to complete the geotechnical design.
Structure Foundation Recommendations Memo

Updated January 26, 2018
Presents structure foundation alternatives and preliminary foundation recommendations.
Structure Type Selection Report

Updated April 18, 2019
Documents the decision making process used in developing the design that will be carried forward into final design.
Seismic Design Strategy Report

Updated June 18, 2020
Documents the structure seismic design approach.
Geotechnical Report

Updated January 23, 2018
Provides geotechnical design and construction recommendations for a project, including the properties, assumptions and calculations used.
Communication Templates
Structural Design Criteria Deviation Request

Updated June 15, 2015
Used to request approval for structural design criteria deviations before proceeding with design associated with the deviation.
Structural Documentation Email

Updated April 12, 2023
Used to organize structural documentation package for submittal at 3S6 and 5S1 as indicated in the PDN.

Specifications and Special Provisions

Special Provisions

The following selection of Special Provisions have been developed by the Structures Division. Click here for a complete list of Specifications and Special Provisions and their supporting files.

The special provisions below represent the current versions of these specifications and are to be included in any project that incorporates the associated work.

Some of the listed items have been passed by the Standards Committee for incorporation into an upcoming Standard Specification book. For those specifications, the listing shows the committee session and the book year that the specification is anticipated as becoming standard.

The special provision below should be incorporated into projects that use a standard book dated before the one shown.

Special Provision Standard Book M&P
02479S: Monitoring Settlement of Adjacent Structures

Updated September 8, 2022
03310S: Structural Concrete

Updated July 9, 2024

Passed June 2024 Standards Committee

Specification Support Files / Web References

The following selection of files correspond to documents referred to in Specifications. The files listed below are related to Specifications and Special Provisions owned by the Structures Division. Click here for a complete list of Specifications and Special Provisions and their supporting files.

Reference Specification Support File / Web Reference
02455: Driven Piles Pile Driving Record and Equipment Data
02466: Drilled Shafts Drilled Shaft Construction Logs
02831S: MSE Retaining Walls – General Requirements Approved Retaining Wall Systems
MSE Wall Pay Factor Spreadsheet (1.1MB)
MSE Wall Construction Checklist
02839S: Prefabricated Modular Gravity (PMG) Walls Approved Retaining Wall Systems
03934: Structural Pothole Patching Structural Pothole Patching As-built Template (150 kB)
03372: Thin Bonded Polymer Overlay CSP Examples Document
09972: Painting for Structural Steel NEPCOAT list website link
09991: Cleaning and Repainting or Overcoating Structural Steel NEPCOAT list website link

Unpublished Special Provisions

The following Special Provisions are in development and have not yet been published for general use. However, they are valuable as either baseline documents for further development in UDOT projects, or as near final documents preparing for upcoming adoption as standard.

If any of these specifications apply to a project in design, click here to fill out the Structures Special Provision Request Form to obtain a current copy and a description of that specification’s current level of development.

Geotechnical Special Provisions
  • Geofoam Wall
  • Geotechnical Instrumentation
  • Lightweight Aggregate Borrow
  • Micropiles
  • Monitoring Settlement for Adjacent Structures
  • Surcharge
  • Vibration Control During Construction

Structures Special Provisions
  • Approach Slab Catch Basin Modification
  • Approach Slab Deep Soil Stabilization
  • Deck Scarification
  • Fall Protection System
  • Heat Straightening and Repair of Damaged Structural Steel
  • High Load Multi-Rotational Bearings
  • Hydrodemolition
  • Polyester Concrete Overlay
  • Polymer Injection for Filling Voids
  • Prestressing Strand Repair
  • Remove and Replace Bearings
  • Repair Metal Bridge Rail
  • Replacement Bridge Railing
  • Structure Number Modification
  • Selective Bridge Removal
  • Temporary Bridge
  • Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC)

Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Information

Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) is common practice in Utah.  The Structures Division has widely implemented the use of ABC.  See below for a selection of Lessons Learned Reports and Project Highlights from some of our past ABC projects.

ABC design documents and supporting drawings have been incorporated into the Structures Design and Detailing Manual (SDDM) which consists of the Written Manual, Drawings, and Checklists. The SDDM references ABC decision making tools which are provided below.
For your convenience, hyperlinks are provided inside the drop down menu connecting to the locations where the referenced resources can be found.

ABC SDDM Resources

Resource Description
Written Manual
Written Manual: Chapter 20 Chapter 20 of the SDDM Written manual specifically addresses ABC, providing information on the decision making process, ABC methods, and technical criteria.
Working Standards (WS) define the form, function and requirements of commonly used plan sheets. The Working Standard identifies areas requiring engineer input by a blue note. The Working Standard sheet becomes part of the sealed plan set, and the EOR is responsible for all information on the Working Standard
WS-3 Prestressed girder shear stud and haunch details for full depth deck panels
Structures Design (SD) drawings are a design aid and list specific design requirements or details. Structures Design drawings are not plan sheets and are not included in plan sets.
SD-9 Series Full depth precast concrete deck panel design guidance
SD-6 Series Precast concrete substructure element design guidance
Sample sheets (SS) are examples of typical structure plan sheets and are used as a guide when preparing structure plan sets. They guide users and encourage consistency in presentation but do not depict specific requirements.
SS-14 Series Precast concrete substructure sample sheets
SS-32 Series Full depth precast concrete deck panel sample sheets
SS-33 Series Precast concrete approach slab sample sheets
Checklists are provided to assist in developing and evaluating projects and plans. Checklists are not all inclusive, but attempt to address basic requirements as well as common concerns.
ABC Heavylift Project Checklist Heavy lift ABC projects include structures moved with SPMTs or similar equipment, lateral structure slides, structures trucked in and placed with cranes, and structures longitudinally launched.
Precast Elements Design and Detailing Checklist Checklist for design and detailing of precast elements
Precast Elements Shop Drawing Review Checklist Checklist for shop drawing review of precast elements

ABC Decision Making Tools

The ABC decision making process consists of two steps — completing the ABC rating procedure spreadsheet and then using the rating in the ABC decision flowchart to determine if an ABC approach is required.

ABC Rating Procedure Spreadsheet and Decision Flow Chart (0.12 MB)


Preserving Infrastructure is one of UDOT’s three Strategic Goals.  The objective of a good bridge preservation program is to employ cost effective strategies and actions to maximize the useful life of bridges.  Applying the appropriate bridge preservation treatments at the appropriate time can extend bridge useful life at lower lifetime cost.

See below for links and references to UDOT preservation guidance.  The content below is not intended to be a complete single source resource for Consultants, but rather as an introduction to UDOT standards.  

Written Manual

The Structures Design and Detailing Manual (SDDM), managed by the Structures Division, includes the written manual, Drawings and Checklists. The written manual provides Structures Design and consultants with UDOT policies, procedures, practices and technical criteria. For more information on the SDDM, please click HERE.

Chapter 21 of the written manual titled “Bridge Preservation and Rehabilitation or Widening” provides detailed information on UDOT bridge preservation and includes content on:
  • Structure condition assessment
  • Preservation and rehabilitation evaluation and treatment
  • Seismic retrofit
  • Bridge widening
Click HERE for a direct link to the written manual.


SDDM Drawings are categorized into groups based on application.

Sample sheets (SS) are examples of typical structure plan sheets. Use the sheets as a guide when preparing structure plan sets. Sample sheets depict typical layouts and information provided on structure plans. Sample sheets guide users in developing plan sets and encourage consistency in presentation. Sample sheets do not depict specific requirements and may not comply with all SDDM requirements.

Sample sheets for preservation include:

Drawing Number (link) Sheet Name
SS-02A Summary and General Notes
SS-02B F XXX Plan and Details (without substructure)
SS-02C F XXX Plan and Details (with substructure)

Working Standards (WS) define the form, function and requirements of commonly used plan sheets. The WS sheets identify areas requiring the input of the structural design engineer with a blue note. Replace the border with the project border, update the sheet where indicated by the blue notes and delete the blue notes. Ensure that the WS sheet is compatible with the design and details of a specific structure. When the WS sheet is not compatible with the design and details of a specific structure, a complete redesign of the element is required in addition to a request for a deviation.

Working Standards for preservation include:

Drawing Number (link) Sheet Name
WS-80 Summary and General Notes
WS-81 X XXX Plan and Details
WS-83A Parapet Preservation Details
WS-84A Substructure Repair
WS-84B FRP System Details
WS-85 Expansion Joint Replacement Details
WS-86 Asphaltic Plug Joint
WS-87 Pourable Joint Details
WS-89A Structural Pothole Patching Details
WS-89B Structural Pothole Patching Details with Overlay Repair

Successful structural pothole patching requires the submittal of an “as-built” record of pothole patch locations, repair material, and placement time. The spreadsheet template, to be submitted digitally, is available HERE


Plan sheet checklists provide direction on content to include on plan sheets. However, checklists are not all inclusive, and structural design engineers must review the plans and include all information required to construct the structure and reflect the designer’s intent.

A Situation and Layout checklist for Preservation is available HERE


UDOT specifications are split into general specifications (numbered from 00100 to 01500) which apply to all projects, and technical specifications (numbers greater than 01500) which apply as engaged by items of work. To fully understand any aspect of work, the general specifications and any specification referenced by a specification of interest must be read. Click HERE for UDOT Standard Specifications.

The following list is a list of specifications commonly referenced in preservation work, however any specification may be applicable depending upon the work to be performed.
  • 02626: Bridge Drain Modification
  • 03372: Thin Bonded Polymer Overlay
  • 03375: Bridge Deck Methacrylate Resin Treatment
  • 03392: Penetrating Concrete Sealer
  • 03605: Approach Slab Jacking
  • 03924: Structural Concrete Repair
  • 03933: Parapet Modification
  • 03934: Structural Pothole Patching
  • 03938: Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) System
  • 05829: Pourable Joint Seal
  • 05930: Asphaltic Plug Joint
  • 05831: Compression Joint Seal

Digital Delivery

Digital Delivery with Model Based Design and Construction (MBDC) is the use and transfer of digital data in design, construction, and asset management. Digital Delivery with MBDC is not solely intended to eliminate plan sheets but rather deliver data in more directly consumable formats for project stakeholders.

Go to the Digital Delivery page for more information on UDOT’s current Digital Delivery and MBDC efforts.

Structure Location Map

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Structures & Geotechnical Events
Structures Division Comment Form