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Contractor Resources

Contractor Manuals

Contractor Manuals


Instruction to Contractors Manual – Under Construction

UDOT Civil Rights Manual of Instruction for Contractors – (PDF)

    Revision Memoranda

    Revision memoranda establish interim revisions to policies, procedures, practices and technical requirements. The Construction Division issues memoranda as needed to ensure that manuals and requirements remain up to date and appropriately reflect changes in needs and direction.
    Revision Title Effective Date
    Revisions to the Written Manual
    UDOT Central Construction 2022-1 Removal of Retention May 02, 2022
    Revisions to the Drawings
    Revisions to the Checklists
    Subscribe to the Department E-mail Notification List for Consultant Services to receive notice at time of distribution.

Bidding Resources

Prequalification of Contractors

Prequalification is now processed through Contractor Zone. The application is available after your company is successfully registered and the company profile is approved.
Contractor Zone

Prequalified Contractors Listed by Alpha
Prequalified Contractors Listed by Expiration Date

Post Award

Tools for contractors after award has been given.

Forms and Documents

C-112 Crash Cusion or Barrier End Treatment letter – (Pdf)

C-116 Subcontract Agreement Certification for Federal-aid Projects – (PDF)

C-116 Federal Insertion Documents – Obtain these documents from the prime contract.


Qualified Health Insurance Coverage

Revised 4/30/20
In the 2016 legislative general session a law was passed requiring all Contractors/Consultants and subcontractors/sub-consultants who enter into a contract with UDOT over certain contract and subcontract values meet the Qualified Health Insurance Coverage requirements as outlined in Utah Code 72-6-107.5. In the 2016 legislative general session the law was revised to raise the threshold contract and subcontract thresholds. The prime contract value

Web link to qualified health care coverage limits:


As required by Utah Code 72-6-107.5f, effective as of July 1, 2009, UDOT will not enter into a contract with a Contractor/Consultant (or subcontractor/sub-consultant) without “demonstration” of compliance regarding the offering of “Qualified Health Insurance Coverage” to their employees. Prior to issuing Notice to Proceed or approval to sublet work, the Contractor/Consultant must demonstrate compliance following the provisions of Administrative Rule R-916-5. A Contractor’s/Consultant’s inability to adequately demonstrate compliance may be grounds for determining a proposal non-responsive or grounds for cancellation of award.

To “demonstrate” compliance, two statements are needed. Separate compliance form and statement letter for each subsidiary(prime/subcontractor and consultant/subconsultant), contracting with UDOT, are required.

1. Provide a written statement of actuarial equivalency from:
a. an actuary selected by the consultant or the consultant’s insurer; or
b. an underwriter who is responsible for developing the employer group’s premium rates.

Use the following Statement of Compliance form for the actuary / underwriter written statement:

Actuary/Underwriter Statement of Compliance

2. An original signed statement on company letterhead from the Contractor/Consultant stating that they will “maintain an offer of Qualified Health Insurance coverage as required by Utah Code 72-6-107.5 for the duration of any contract between(Contractor/Consultant) and UDOT.”

Consultants may take the necessary steps now to comply with this ruling or wait until selected as a prime or subconsultant on a contract that meets the threshold. Work with your insurance carrier or the ACEC to find an Actuary or underwriter, familiar with the new Qualified Health Plan. Statements can be mailed to the UDOT Consultant Services Division, P O Box No. 148490, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-8490. Statements submitted by consultants will be effective for one year.

Subconsultants entering into a contract valued at $1,000,000.00 or greater will also be required to demonstrate compliance. As required by law, if a subconsultant enters into a contract with a consultant, the consultant shall demonstrate to UDOT that the subconsultant has and will maintain an offer of qualified health insurance coverage for the subconsultant’s employees and the employees’ dependents for the duration of the contract(s). Subconsultants may follow the same process as prime consultants.

We recommend that all prime contract bidders/proposers take the necessary steps now to comply with this ruling. Work with your insurance carrier of the AGC/ACEC to find an Actuary, familiar with the Qualified Health Plan.
For Contractors, statements can be mailed to the UDOT Construction Division, PO Box No. 148220, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-8220, or included with your signed contracts. Statements submitted by prime contractors will be effective for one year. UDOT will then require updated statements as part of the pre-qualification process or annually as needed prior to notice to proceed and will be effective for one year.

Subcontractors entering into a contract valued at $1,000,000.00 or greater will also be required to demonstrate compliance. As required by law, if a subcontractor enters into a contract with a contractor, the contractor shall demonstrate to UDOT that the subcontractor has and will maintain an offer of qualified health insurance coverage for the subcontractor’s employees and the employees’ dependents for the duration of the contract(s). Subcontracts may follow the same process as prime contractors.

Masterworks for Construction Resources

Masterworks Account:
Masterworks New User Registration Instructions – Construction / Materials Module
Masterworks for Construction / Materials Module – Website (Add to Favorites)

MW Construction Module User Guide & Training Links:
Construction Contract Management Reference Guide – Masterworks Live User Guide
Aurigo Build (Masterworks) Mobile App – Setup Instructions & Training Videos
Construction Support: masterworkssupport@utah.gov

Other Resources:
Materials Database Resources – Material Forms and Helpful Links
Materials Support: mwmaterials@utah.gov

Masterworks for Estimation and Bidding Module – Website
Estimation and Bidding Support: masterworksebsupport@utah.gov

Contractor Zone – Contractor Prequalification
Business Systems for UDOT Projects – Reference Sheet

Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) & (OCIP) Resources

Please see the link & attachments below that may be helpful to contractors that are working on UDOT projects.

Hopefully this will provide quick access to UDOT and other information that may usually be difficult to find.  Please contact us at 801-965-4267 to propose other links that you would like to see added to this site.

PDF Downloads:

UDOT Safety & Health Manual

OCIP Manual & Portal Access Form

PDBS Resources

Project Development Business System (PDBS) login and system issues contact:

Amber Routson
Email: amberroutson@utah.gov
(801) 965-4108

Business Quick Links

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