Intelligent Transportation Systems, Fiber Optic Communications
& Interstate Lighting Maintenance

ITS Design Manual
ITS Design Manual 2023 (8MB PDF File)
ITS Design Manual 2021 (14MB PDF File)
ATMS DMOI 2017 (14MB PDF File)
ITS Architecture
Mag & WFRC MPOs ITS Architecture (1MB PDF File)
Mag & WFRC MPOs ITS Architecture Appendix B-Functional Requirements (1MB PDF File)
MAG & WFRC MPOs ITS Architecture RAD-IT Software File (13 MB RADIT File)
Cache MPOs
Cache Valley MPOs ITS Architecture (1MB PDF File)
Cache Valley MPOs ITS Architecture Appendix B-Functional Requirements (1MB PDF File)
Cache MPO Architecture RAD-IT Software File (12 MB RADIT File)
Dixie MPOs
Dixie MPOs ITS Architecture (1MB PDF File)
Dixie MPOs ITS Architecture Appendix B-Functional Requirements (1MB PDF File)
Dixie MPO ITS Architecture RAD-IT Software File (12 MB RADIT File)
FHWA RAD-IT Software website (Not managed by UDOT)
Interstate Lighting Maintenance
UDOT is responsible for lighting maintenance on interstate highways and specific routes throughout the state. The Interstate Lighting Maintenance program provides a means for operating and maintaining existing highway lighting infrastructure. Our goal is to ensure motorists benefit from the safety advantages of highway lighting that is functioning properly. We identify current deficiencies and develop annual prioritized project lists, establish a systematic relamping program, maintain a current GIS database, including lighting inventory and maintenance information, and schedule the work utilizing state forces to effectively complete the work in a timely manner and at a lower cost. UDOT interstate lighting maintenance is limited to the following highways:
Interstate Routes – I-15, I-215, I-70, I-80 and I-84
U.S. Routes – U.S. 40 (from I-80 to Summit/Wasatch County Line) and U.S. 189 in Provo Canyon
State Routes – S.R. 201 (from 5600 West to I-15), S.R. 67 (Legacy Highway) and S.R. 154 (Bangerter Highway) To submit questions, comments, or concerns regarding interstate lighting, please use the following contact information:
Interstate Lighting Manager
Click ‘n Fix Service Request Application
Concerns regarding highway lighting on other state Routes not listed above should be addressed to local city or county government officials.
ITS Standards, Specifications and References
Standards & Specifications
ITS Construction Checklists
Junction Box Decision Chart (44 KB PDF File)
UDOT ITS Device Acceptance Process (420 KB PDF File)
ITS Project Details and ITS Special Provisions
Solar Power System Details AT (PDF Folder)
Solar Power Systems Details 7-31-20 (.DGN Files)
165XXS-Solar Electric Systems 2-21-2021 (108 KB PDF File)
Future 2024 ITS Standard Specifications
Future 2024 ITS Standard Drawings
Other Links
ITS Deployment and Maintenance Group Org Chart (440 KB PDF File)