UDOT launches communications program for Wasatch Back
January 13, 2025
Travel updates begin on Jan. 22
The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is bringing increased communication to drivers traveling in Parleys Canyon and the Park City area.
UDOT Wasatch Back will provide real-time updates and driver education on social media (@udotwasatchback on Instagram, Facebook, and X) and a website, wasatchback.udot.utah.gov. This is an extension of the Roads to Recreation program that includes UDOT Cottonwood Canyons (@udotcottonwoods), which has helped travelers navigate Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons since 2019.

“Parleys Canyon and Park City are critical corridors for Utah’s winter recreation, and ensuring drivers have access to timely, accurate information is a top priority,” said Becky Parker, UDOT Traveler Information Director. “With UDOT Wasatch Back, we’re expanding our reach to make winter travel safer and more efficient for everyone.”
Reporting in this new area will focus on I-80 in Parleys Canyon, US-40 between Silver Creek Junction and Mayflower, SR-224 from Kimball Junction into Park City, and SR-248 from Quinns Junction into Park City. It’s targeted toward drivers traveling to winter recreation destinations, but the information can be useful to anyone driving through this area.
“This effort is about giving drivers the tools they need to make informed decisions,” added Parker. “Whether it’s updates on road conditions during a snowstorm, getting to know our plow crews or tips on how to prepare for mountain driving, we’re here to help keep people moving.”
Real-time updates will begin January 22 and include major crash alerts, notifications of the Traction Law going into effect, ski resort parking status and other big impacts to traffic. During storms, footage of road conditions will show drivers exactly what to expect.
“With events and festivals that draw people from all over the world and a growing ski industry, winter traffic in this area continues to increase,” said Parker. “Our goal is to improve coordination between agencies and deliver reliable road information to make the travel experience better for everyone.”
For more information, visit wasatchback.udot.utah.gov or follow @udotwasatchback on social media.